Myra Eastman

Myra Eastman was born in Los Angeles, California and has lived in Santa Cruz, California for over fifty years. She is the 2019 recipient of the Santa Cruz County Rydell Fellowship which helps individual visual artists pursue their creative work and are made solely on the merits of their artistry. In addition, her work has been featured at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & HIstory, Museum Educado Carrillo and Monterey Peninsula College. She was invited to the Santo Foundation's 2019 10th Anniversary Invitational Exhibition. She has work in the Catamaran Literary Reader, American Art Collector and Studio Visit. Her paintings have recently been purchased by the Contra Costa Medical Center.

She is primarily a narrative/new surrealist style painter whose work is grounded in political and social narratives. Her work is about stories often told in fragmented sections, playing with perspective and content.

Her artistry is the result of over 35 years of passionate art making. After a 2022 pancreatic cancer diagnosis (that miraculously after treatment is now in remission) returning to the studio kept her alive. Life is a gift and working again a treasure.






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Melissa Eder