After Image: 11/9 - 12/2, 2018


featuring Becca Van K, Emily Oliveira, Paolo Arao, Phillip Stearns, and Flora Wilds

Afterimage is the seventh exhibition at PARADICE PALASE and the final of the 2018 season. The exhibition visualizes translations of our reality through utilization of fabric and textiles. Considering the title word “afterimage”, these works reverberate with optical vibrancy, reflect on fleeting moments and  memories retained across digital and physical landscapes, and leave an imprint on the history and, perhaps, one’s preconceived understanding of quilting and handcrafting. Reconsidering the hierarchy and economics of textiles, forming personal relationships with the fabrics we wear, archiving the effects of glitches on coded electronic programs, marking time and experience - artists Emily Oliveira, Paolo Arao, Flora Wilds, Phillip Stearns, and Becca Van K render sensory-tactile 2D and 3D objects that contribute to the depth of fiber arts in a contemporary art landscape.

Full Press Release

Presented at PARADICE PALASE, 1263 Bushwick Ave, Brooklyn, NY

11/9 - 12/2, 2018


Periphery: 2/23, 2019


yo tengo, sostengo, mantengo: 9/28 - 10/14, 2018