Wild Animals: 4/26 - 4/28, 2019


featuring work by Katherine McMahon and Kayla Camstra

Bushwick, NYC - Paradice Palase presents Wild Animals a two person painting show by New York-based artists Katherine McMahon and Kayla Camstra. “Wild Animals” will open April 26 with a cocktail reception at the Bushwick Gallery space. In this show, the artists aim to explore, celebrate and question mankind’s limited and at times troubled relationship with the animal kingdom. This show questions our tendency to attach anthropomorphic identities to creatures big and small, and the failure to see our own animalistic tendencies. In a counterintuitive way, does our ability to intellectualize this relationship hinder our progress?

Full Press Release

Presented at PARADICE PALASE, 1260 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY

4/26 - 4/28, 2019

EXHIBITION - To best enjoy the exhibition as curatorially intended, please view on a desktop.



Twist and Twine: 6/07 - 6/30, 2019


I want that crude love: 4/05 - 4/07, 2019