Meet Alisa Sikelianos-Carter

"I want to live in a world in which every micro-aggression, attack on humanity, and doubt of divinity aimed at Black Women is destroyed by aggressively Femme, future-sent deities. These Goddesses are completely enveloped and adorned by magnificent cornrows, dreadlocks and twists. The hairstyles act as armor and weapon, protecting and repelling wearers from white supremacy and misogyny. These are the beings I create. My wildest dreams realized; a marriage between the spectral beings we (as Black people) can and will transform into as a result of the culture we currently live in with the majesty, magic and tradition of our ancestors.

These Future Ancestors are my response to, and escape from the many ways
Black bodies are policed and demonized; white america’s historical repulsion to Black
hair and the more contemporary fetishization and appropriation of Black hairstyles
within popular culture. They are the gatekeepers of my rage and sadness, projections of
power and freedom, cast onto an otherworldly reality." - Alisa Sikelianos-Carter

Follow Alisa's work on her Instagram @alisasikelianoscarter or on her website



Collect one of Alisa's hand glittered prints here.


New Summer Event: Fantasy Film Series


Meet Colin Radcliffe