Meet Alex Patrick Dyck

Alex Patrick Dyck is a poet and splosh artist. She is a romantic hoarder of sentimental trash and trampled roses, an altar builder, and a memory gatherer. She explores her own vulnerability in her attempts to preserve the inherent fragility of natural objects as they encounter resin, metal, and bodily fluids. The incorporation of obscured and disjointed text is used as a way to both establish intimacy with the viewer as well as to remind us that understanding and language are not identic. The works are constantly decaying and changing in texture and color, a grotesque reminder of our own mortality.

Dyck has curated 12 immersive shows over the last six years with her art gang Noodle Beaches for Meeting Witches. She has shown in NYC, California, Maine, India and Tokyo. She lives in New York.

Check out Alex's handmade goods and apparel on her Etsy page 
Follow her work on Instagram @yokosnoopy or on her website


Collect Special Edition artwork by Alex here.


Paradice Palase Show #5 - Dimensions of Alterity *Update #2*


Paradice Palase Show #5 - Dimensions of Alterity *Update*