Badass Biz Weekend Panel Talk Podcast


If you missed it in March, we hosted a weekend long series of programs called Badass Biz in honor of Women's Month, focusing on women in our local community who are in business, who are leaders or who are community organizers. We wanted to highlight their successes, share their stories, and empower other women identifying folk and GNC individuals to go out and get it done too! 

We had a wonderful program at New Women Space (Check them out if you haven't already!), featuring Wen-Jay Ying of Local Roots, Eileen Isagon-Skyers of HOUSING, Jee Chang of UME Design, and Anya Sapozhnikova of House of Yes, where panelists discussed the ups and downs of starting or running a business in arts and culture, how they got started, the hardships they've faced, and their successes while also providing tips and resources to help others get their start. 

Check out the podcast below!

Please do not share this link! It is a members only exclusive content item.


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