artist feature: Shayna Miller

We recently learned of Shayna Miller’s process-based abstract paintings and want to share it with our community! Check out some of her recent works and details about her process below.


Shayna Miller, Rizpah, 2018, oil and oil stick on panel, 48 x 40 in


“Rituals are a set of actions, often orderly, regular, and with purpose.  The studio is the site of my personal investigations into ideas related to rituals.  This entails the creation of boundaries and rules that I have chosen to abide by, a search for a solution through the obsessive nature of the process. Working primarily in oil paint, forms can easily be manipulated, subtracted, and altered.  Actions of scrubbing and dragging paint across panel surfaces become an intimate and physical action of embodiment; the painting becomes body. Sculptural elements taken from domestic furniture and architecture explore other relations to the body. “

“My work is a vehicle for transformation, invoking powers of transubstantiation, through references to composition-forward devices employed in early modern religious and icon painting. The process involves channeling my personal experiences and emotions in order to reach into spiritual dimensions to retrieve new forms and images. Paintings become capsules and cross-sections; they both contain and release talisman-like energy, during and after their creation.”


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