Practical Magic: Marina Granger
Marina Granger in her Lower East Side home
Practical Magic is an online interview series with early and mid-career creatives. Through a selection of prompts we spotlight each person’s practice and (hopefully) prove art world creatives are the real influencers of today.
interview with: MARINA GRANGER
artist advisor, former gallerist
Marina is an amazing and bubbly soul we have become closer with over the last couple of years. She’s incredibly fashionable, has years of experience in the contemporary art world, and has funneled her skills and passion for supporting artists into a budding artist advisory. A bit about Marina:
Marina Granger worked in the NYC Art World for 15 years & holds an MA in Art History. She was so fed up with artists getting the runaround and being treated like second class citizens, so she created a company that helps artists navigate the art world, offers them guidance and honest answers. She currently lives in the LES with her husband and beloved pomeranian! (shown above)
We were excited to catch up with Marina, which comes just weeks after being special guests on her new podcast - we’ll plug details of that at the end for y’all.
*note: these interviews began during quarantine, so some responses may reflect pre-covid routines
PP: What is a typical day in the life for you as a creative? How do you structure your day/week to manage your practice?
MG: My business is service-based so I meet with clients. When I meet with clients I use a very creative part of my mind. I found that it's tough for me to do back-end, business work on those days. So, I only meet with clients M-W and do my business admin & development on T-F. I do my very best to not work on weekends but I'm so busy right now that I can't really unplug.
Each day I bookend my work with a morning ritual and a to-do list for the next day. As my own boss, the biggest luxury I have is control over my mornings. Every morning I drink my cappuccino, check my gratitude, and cuddle my dog. At the end of each workday I make a to-do list for the next day so I can jump right in!
PP: If you had to pick a film or TV show that you feel inspires your practice in some way, which would it be and why?
MG: Star Trek: The Next Generation. I've watched this series like a ba-jillion times because I love Picard's problem-solving and philosophy. He gets his crew out of any situation, no matter how insurmountable it seems. I pride myself on being a problem-solver. Offering solutions and seeing the light when the outlook feels bleak. I learned this from this show.
we love you too Picard
PP: What are you listening to in your studio or when you work?
MG: Nothing! I do a lot of reading and writing so I have to focus. Well, sometimes my dog borks softly in her sleep so I listen to that.
PP: Success & failure is subjective - what to you was the most successful moment that you’ve had as a creative, and why was it successful or meaningful to you? What was a moment of failure that you've had, and how did you overcome it?
MG: My biggest failure turned out to be my biggest success. I feel like that's so typical to say, lol! I worked at a gallery for 7 years, left to finish my MA thesis, and just couldn't find another job. I wanted to work in a museum. Now, I realize I didn't find a museum job because I was lowballing myself and applying to jobs that I was incredibly overqualified for. This was such a failure for me. I had all this experience and education and no job. So, I just made a list of what I liked doing and what I was good at...and came up with a job! That job is now my company of over two years called The Artist Advisory.
pre-pandemic, Marina (far left) with an art walk group at Richard Tattinger Gallery for Maria Qamar’s solo show
PP: What's your favorite article of clothing to wear and why?
MG: I still dress up for work every day. It helps me keep a sense of normalcy. I love this black pajama-style velvet jumpsuit with blush piping that I bought ages ago. It's one piece of clothing for the entire body, it's warm, comfy, and looks professional too. Oh, and did I mention that it has no waistband!!! But I always wear my big round glasses so I can see art better.
PP: Where do you live and how does it affect your practice/career? What's the creative community like there?
MG: I live in NYC on the Lower East Side. We are the epicenter of the pandemic in the US. It's tough. Museums and galleries are closed and that creates a real sense of uncertainty. When we are uncertain, we start to dive into negative thoughts because we want to prepare for the worst. But, gratitude is the best way to combat those thoughts and pivot your mindset. Galleries and artists here have been so amazing - donating portions of sales to charities. Collectors are still buying! They are spending so much time at home that they are really noticing their walls. The gears are turning - just differently than they did before.
PP: Who or what are major influences for you right now and why?
MG: Since I am spending so much more time at home now I am obsessed with Feng Shui. It is the idea that 1/3 of our energy flow comes from our surroundings. I have been doing Feng Shui makeovers for the studios of the artists that I work with. Now, I am doing my entire house. The most important thing is you need to find your energy/kua number (using an easy online calculator) and it will tell you what your success direction is. You should face that direction when you are working and make sure there is no clutter or signs of failure in that direction.
Marina working from home in a rare PJs look!
and Marina all glammed up at The Shell House in Mexico!
PP: What is the next big milestone you've set for yourself?
MG: I started a podcast! I mean, who isn't right now, am I right? Well, the point of this podcast is to interview art world experts I've met along the way and bring their wisdom to artists. To offer valuable guidance and advice and to make these art world pros accessible.
As promised, details about the podcast!
It’s called The Artist Advisory Hotline ( perfect name), and we were guests on Episode 2 - you can listen to it on iTunes below.
Wanna know more about Marina, and work with her advisory service? Click below!
Practical Magic interviews post every Tuesday and Thursday - check back weekly to see who we’re chatting with next.