Kylin O'Brien

Kylin’s multidisciplinary work employs ancient symbolism, ritualistic repetition, transformative energy, natural and supernatural systems and the physics of space, material and process.

From the artist, “Whether painting, building, creating installation or presenting collaborative projects, my work can be considered medicinal depending on potency, dosage and context. My projects and objects work interactively with nature, media and humanity and much of my art is impermanent, embracing transformation and realizing a full cycle of creation through dissolution. I work to tease harmony out of the tension between, wonder and mindfulness, intention and serendipity, love and release, perspective and power."

Pangea, 2015

Kylin O'Brien (b.1972 New York, New York) is a multidisciplinary artist, Feng Shui consultant and intuitive healer. She holds degrees in Philosophy from Vassar College and in Art and Design from Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK, where she was awarded a part-time lectureship while pursuing her studies. She has participated in numerous exhibitions and has had solo exhibitions in New York City with FEATURE INC, Open Source Gallery and ChaShaMa. She has been a Brooklyn Arts Council, Awesome Foundation and Pro Arts award winner. Kylin has created large-scale public works nationwide and has exhibited internationally. She is grateful, all the time.

Causal Diagram of the Black Hole, 2019

To learn more about Kylin’s work, see their website and instagram.


"Joy Ride" reviewed in The Coastal Post


Natalia Nakazawa