Mack Sikora
Mack Sikora is an artist currently living and working in Seattle, WA.
Sikora’s bold architectural shapes and color palette conjure spaces that expand beyond the canvas, reconfiguring the container a painting or sculpture can live in.
Back in The Corner, Flashe & acrylic on board, 4.25 x 5.5 in.
Mack Sikora is a visual artist focused primarily in painting. After receiving her MFA from Boston University in 2020, she returned home to the West Coast. Sikora now splits her time between Los Angeles and Seattle, where she continues to paint and process what it means to be an artist during a global pandemic.
Can You See Me Now, Acrylic and Flashe on canvas, adhesive, found metal frame, 20 x 18 x 31 in.
Sikora’s work centers on building space through color fields. Using hard-edge painting techniques and color value shifts, she creates dead-pan architectural spaces that reach beyond the picture plane. While her paintings gesture towards an illusion of depth, they are nevertheless constantly aware of their own flatness, poking fun at viewers’ perceptions of space. Her paintings are a façade of depth, a mask of complexity, a performance of seduction. They are swiping right on a catfish.
Mood Bored, Flashe on bored, 4.25 x 5.5 in.
Little T, acrylic and Flashe on board, 8.5 x 11 in.