Lauren Packard


Lauren Packard’s work explores and abstracts ideas and memories of queer identity, domesticity, repair, and dissonance through the use of materials and intuitive marks.

Lauren Packard is a queer abstract mixed media artist living in Brooklyn. After undergoing brain surgery in 2014, she turned to paint to express what words couldn’t. Lauren considers her work an extension of her inner thoughts and dialogue, both conscious and subconscious.

”In 2014 I had brain surgery to remove a tumor that was pressing on my optic nerve. After it was removed, I experienced color differently in an intensive form. It was a true breakthrough in my emotional perception of the act of making art. That’s when I started painting.”

Lauren is a recipient of the ChaNorth Chashama Residency and Starry Night Residency award, as well as a finalist for the Artists With Anxiety residency. Her work has been exhibited at 5-50 Gallery, Site:Brooklyn, Paradice Palase, La Bodega Gallery, LIC Arts, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, and Williamsburg Historical Society. She was a participant performer in the winning Venice Biennale Golden Lion Lithuanian Pavilion Sun and Sea. Her work has been featured in Fresh Paint Magazine andMakers Magazine.

View more of Lauren Packard’s work on her instagram and website.


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Janice Sloane