In The Wake of Slumber: 5/15 - 6/09, 2021
Featuring work by Adam Blaustein Rejto, Alex Angel, Alison Kudlow, Amanda Lechner, Amber Tutwiler, Ana Maria Farina, Andrew Hladky, Anne Spalter, Caroline Wayne, Centa Schumacher, Danica Pantic, Elise Thompson, Georgina Arroyo, Graciela Cassel, Jamie Martinez, Jessica Elena Aquino, Jia Sung, Jinyong Choi, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, Joyce Yu-Jean Lee, Julia Norton, Kevin Dudley, Kira Schnitzler, Kosuke Kawahara, Lana Price Wallace, Lisha Nie, Loren Erdrich, Lucha Rodríguez, Lucy Nordlinger, Mack Sikora, Marisol Ruiz, Morgan Rose Free, Noah Kashiani, Samantha M. Connors, Su A Chae, Travis LeRoy Southworth, Yalda Foroughmand Arabi
PARADICE PALASE is proud to present In The Wake of Slumber, the 4th Annual Open Call show for the platform. Guest juried by Natalia Nakazawa, each of the 38 works selected consider this year’s theme of dreams - specifically a sleep cycle. There are an unfathomable number of ways we as humans can envision our future realities, and even greater untold ways we can escape the realities that our bodies exist within.
Presented at PARADICE PALASE, 1260 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY
5/15 - 6/09, 2021