Knock Off: 2/04 - 2/19, 2020


featuring work by Catherine Mulligan

Catherine Mulligan is interested in creating tension between different modes of image production and reception. She does this through the medium of oil paint, which has a strong link to history and is coded as inherently meaningful (or at least an elevated luxury object). Her subject matter, on the contrary, is often hyper-contemporary and ‘throwaway’ imagery taken from advertising. This focused treatment does not imply that she thinks these subjects are worthy of this attention, but rather that this process mirrors how we experience modern life. We long for meaning and hope in the future, a connection to history and a sense of purpose, but all we are offered is cheap shit to buy. Often this cheap shit comes at a great environmental and humanitarian cost, as is the case with fast fashion.

Full Press Release

Presented at PARADICE PALASE, 1260 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY

2/04 - 2/19, 2020

EXHIBITION - To best enjoy the exhibition as curatorially intended, please view on a desktop.



Superimpose: 3/14 - 5/16, 2020


Heaven Must Be Missing An Algorithm:, 10/18 - 11/03, 2019